Friday, December 26, 2008
The Aftermath
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Mum, no peeking.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Happy, Happy to You!
and to all a good night of putting together toys with no instructions and wrapping and baking and "yes, Santa is coming" and "no, I won't eat his cookies" and "if you don't go to bed now, Santa won't come" and swearing when you stab your finger with the screwdriver trying to put the %&*$#@ toy with no instructions together and finishing off the night with a shot of tequila to take the edge off before your little ones get up, which will be before you get to sleep.
Me? I'll leave the construction of toys to Sy because I'll be knitting until my needles go up in flames so I can finish the %$#*@ project I just HAD to make for so-and-so. I work well under pressure. Keep the tequila far, far away.
Check out the little elf hats I've been knitting like crazy (sorry the picture sucks, I was tired):
The ??? for D. is finished and so wonderful. I will remember to take pictures and show you all after he gets it.
Okay, I need to get back to my lace scarf for so-and-so.
Please excuse the change in font and size, I don't know what is going on. And I've tried to fix it several times. I give up...let's consider it creative.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
2 weeks to go
I'm just so excited.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Mittens and Cashmere
A peek at what I've been working on...

Can't Resist
And I love these little eyes too much to keep them to myself.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
During the National Anthem at the Hopkinton Fair I had to try to explain honor and respect, but now my little girl points out every single "Mamerica Flag" she sees. We were at a pow-wow last weekend and during the opening the drummers play/sing 3 honoring songs, an opening song, a veteran's song, and a flag song. No photographs, stand up, remove your hat if it doesn't contain eagle feathers. I had to try to explain honor and respect again. Let me tell you, I'm happy to explain them over and over. Keep your fingers crossed it sinks in.
However you choose, please enjoy your holiday. Me? I'll be trick-or-treating with a hummingbird, and asking my Nana if she can see how well that bird flies.
Monday, October 13, 2008
More puppies and a sweater

Here's the sweater. Cascade Sierra, cotton/merino blend. I got the two skeins of pink for 40% off, and was given the skein of blue. What can I say? Ya work with what ya got. Washer and dryer friendly, with good "bounce" to the yarn/stitches. Very kid friendly and tough as nails. Her other "sierra" sweater is going on its 3rd?'s a little short in places, but she wont' give it up. Needless to say, we've really tested the wash/dry factor.

Monday, October 6, 2008
It's very sad how many Irish Wolfhounds end up in shelters and rescue situations because "I didn't know how big he'd get" or "I didn't realize how much he'd eat." They are also not the kind of dog you can just let out unattended, they're sight hounds and will chase things for long distances if not fenced in (real fences, not invisible ones.) Needless to say, a lot of these dogs get lost, dehydrated, malnourished and hopefully rescued. We're already thinking our next IW (in about a year or so) might be a rescue/adoption dog. It would depend on his/her situation since there's a small-ish kiddo in the house, but I'd really like to do a rescue. All my previous animals have come from an animal shelter and if I can help keep one animal out of there, I consider it a good deed.
So, in the words of Bob Barker, please spay or neuter your animals. Educate yourself about what you're getting into before bringing an animal home. Also, please support your local animal shelter. Most of them love your old towels and blankets, especially fleece and they love Walmart gift cards to buy the everyday stuff. Mine prefers gift cards over food so that they can keep the animals on a consistent, healthy diet (it helps reduce the intestinal issues frequently found in shelters.) Treats and toys are always welcome, too. Let's all do what we can to keep more animals from being euthanized every day. One of our local pet stores has recently stopped selling dogs and cats and I personally congratulated them. They now have signs in their cages asking you to please consider adopting an animal from a local shelter. One small step closer to eliminating puppy mills and overbreeding, and a step towards less animals in shelters.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Damn it.
No excuse now for not working on the three sweaters in various stages in this house, seaming the Rowan shrug thing, or the lace vest.
Or I could just knit up some more bowls and elf hats. I know it's getting cold, but I'm just not in the sweater mood. I'm in the instant gratification mood.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Finished one of Bubba's mittens and couldn't resist starting one of mine. Actually, it's a hand-warmer, not a mitten, because my house is getting chilly and my hands get really cold. Hand warmers mean I can still knit my evenings away while watching CSI and Bones.
I'm painting Bubba's new room today, green walls with a blue ceiling to match her new bedding. It's so cute...I even painted two lamps red and put rick-rack trim on the shades to match the trim on the bedding. We have to move her back into the center of the house to keep her warm this winter. Last year she had windows and was over a room we don't heat, her little space heater ran 24 hours a day to keep the room comfortable. Needless to say, our budget will not tolerate that this year. So....we're moving her into a room with no windows and it's over the living room, so she'll be warmer at a lower cost.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Doggie and Elf

I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of fall, even if your not looking foward to the cost of heating your home this winter. I've already made pumpkin muffins and apple crisp. And chicken pot pie (it had been chilly when I baked the chicken, but was 80 degrees when I baked the pot pie.) I'm crazy, I need to loose 6 pounds, but I just can't resist fall food. Yummy.
Two months 'til my little girl turns 4. Bubba has picked a "teddy bear" theme for her birthday party and I'm already researching stand-up bear cake molds and decorating ideas. I think this cake will have to be chocolate...a red velvet bear would be gross. Think bleeding armadillo in Steel Magnolias, but for kids. Ick. I wish I had time to knit more...I have the cutest pattern for mini knitted bears, wouldn't that be the cutest favor for the kiddos? Too much seaming, to little time. The story of my life!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I can hardly wait!
Oh, yeah, and the sun was shining all day today and is supposed to shine all day tomorrow. I truly think things are starting to go my way. Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face....
Monday, August 4, 2008
Yeah, let's talk about little girl's bathing suits! I bought Bubba two very conservative tankini's from One Step Ahead. SPF50, covered her belly and back, didn't fall off her shoulders, but easy to pull down to go pee. These swimsuits are pretty big on her (the tops are okay but the bottoms would almost fit me), so I was in a major department store the other day looking for something smaller and on sale to get us through the rest of summer. I couldn't find a single toddler's one-piece bathing suit that wasn't cut with a "bra" top and low back, and every two piece looked like a miniature of mine (pretty skimpy.) Since when do 3 year olds need sexy swimwear? Don't we need to cover up their delicate skin, while still letting them play in the water? And why can't they sell one without a cartoon character on it?
I know every major retailer offered conservative 1 and 2 piece swimwear earlier in the season (didn't I buy some?), but I really think it's disgusting that what I found is even offered. I mean, really, do pedophiles really need encouragement? I'm sorry if I'm way up on a soapbox here, but toddlers in skimpy bikinis are not cute. Let's let our kids be kids, not mini-adults. They grow up too fast all by themselves anyway.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
BubbaLou doesn't appreciate the animals behind fences yet (in her words "I see them on tv.) Feeding the ducks, goats and deer was more up her alley. More doing, less looking.

Bumper Boats-I think she just had fun steering around in the water. She said she "really like dis better than the other boats." Her first kiddie ride was in a boat going around a water track. Yeah, she got to ring the bell, but she didn't go anywhere. BubbaLou is all about action.

I couldn't get her back on a kiddie ride to save my life.
"No Mama, I need to smash people."
You could hear her out there shouting "Get that one, get him, get him!" It was worth every penny we paid for admission to see the joy in her eyes and hear the peals of laughter every time they hit someone or got hit. We had to do this twice and would have done it more if the lines weren't so bad, I guess everyone love the bumper cars. They also had a kidde ferris wheel that she rode twice, once before the bumper cars and once after. You could see the boredom in her face on the second go-round. Then we took her on the real ferris wheel, no fear in my little girl.
I'm really gonna be in trouble when state fair season starts!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Real Quick...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

On the non-knitting front, I've got more lettuce in my garden than I can eat. Lots of peas, carrots are coming along nicely, tomatoes are on their way, and I'll have more pumpkins this fall than Linus. My kitchen now has drawers to put things in, my porch ceiling is sky blue, and the old bathroom has been ripped off the house. The new bathroom will be framed out by tomorrow, and hopefully we'll be able to afford to put the fixtures in next spring...we'll see won't we?
The woman I was hoping to get "my dog", Irish Wolfhound for those not in the know, from didn't get the litter she was planning on, and she put me in touch with another woman who just bred. Keep your fingers crossed for me...I find out mid-August if there will be a puppy for my birthday this year. Visit here, Shanachie, to see her beautiful dogs.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
It's the dryer,
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I'm leavin' on a jet plane...
My finger is healing. I can actually type again (at a real speed). I've been knitting for a couple of weeks. Its awkward, but I just couldn't not knit anymore. I knit the back of a vest on the plane ride to and from CA. I'm working on the fronts (cardigan style) both at the same time. I'm using a self-striping wool/soy yarn and I'm too anal retentive to have the fronts not match up. I'm finding I'm addicted to the striping yarns right now, I think it's the winter doldrums come to call and I need the color in my life. I'm also enjoying the wool/soy blends, they're very silky feeling compared to all wool. I will try to post some update pics when I have a little spare time. Hahaha.
The show in CA was called Natural Foods Expo West. Overwhelming does not even describe it. There must have been well over a thousand companies/vendors represented, maybe 2,000. All with all-natural/organic product. Amazing. I have an all natural/high fructose corn syrup-free household (except for Canada Dry ginger ale and Hershey's chocolate syrup...I can't find an all natural one that actually tastes right in milk) and this show was like going to heaven. I spent my lunch hour mostly in the section of the food vendors, sampling foods, collecting business cards and educating myself. Note to self: "raw" granola/snack bars are not so good. Kashi makes the best frozen pizza I've ever eaten. The roasted vegetable kind is fabulous, now I just have to convince my local grocery store to carry it! I could go on and on about the food, but I won't. Except that I have a guy in CA sending me organic chocolate for eating and baking...and he sent me home with a 5lb bag of organic cane sugar (yep, took it home in my suitcase.) I met some of the nicest people, and discovered some of the most amazing products on this trip. I hope they let me go next year. And I hope it's not 55 and windy again!
I got the chance to work with one of our wonderful demo people at the show (D). She's pregnant and due in May (and about the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen!). We had great conversations about our different baby experiences, breastfeeding, parenting styles, potty training (her son is Bubba Lou's age). I used the Dr. Sears "Baby Book" a lot because I really liked his and his wife's philosophies and D actually has Dr. Sears and his sons as her pediatricians. One of them actually made a house call on a weekend so she wouldn't have to take her son to the ER. Amazing, although I can't even imagine the bill for that!
I sent my good friend Abbie over at DamselDesigns a birthday present before I left. She posted about the felted bowls I sent her...I'm so happy they are loved. Do you want a big red one for the kitchen? I am contemplating doing up a bunch more (they're quick) and trying my hand at Etsy (okay, okay already). I might even embroider a few, but I like them simple...there's just something so homey about them with out being kitschy. And hey, they're washable.
I'm going to try to post more often after I get back from FL and my life resumes it's "normal" promises. I like sleep too much (I refuse to get up before Bubba does), and knitting, and baking. And there's that thing called work I have to contend with.
Keep your fingers crossed for us in the great white north that spring comes quickly and I don't get anymore snow...I can actually see my entire driveway now! The snow in my front yard is still past my knees, though. And it's dirty looking now. It just has to go away. Like Marvin K...will you please go now?
Monday, February 18, 2008
Before the accident
Top down, no seaming, cast-on to binding-off the sleeves...4 days. Perfect little cardigan for throwing on over a summer dress. That is, if summer ever gets here.
Bubba Lou had a V-Day party at school. I can't do the store-bought card thing, so we made them. Thank you Martha Stewart February edition. We did embellish, though. Everything is better with a little glitter, don't cha think?Fortune Cookie Valentines
Now, Martha shows Hershey Kisses inside these babies, but I don't know how she does it. I put the "fortune" inside and had to bend the wire in half really hard to get the cookie to stay closed. I wonder if she used a heavy-duty florist wire and just didn't say anything to make the rest of us feel inadequate. Well, not me...I had glitter. Everywhere. I'm still sweeping it up. I was using a cookie sheet as a "drip pan" ans Bubba decided to blow the glitter. Yeah, I'm really that stupid sometimes. A 3 year-old and loose glitter, my own fault. But they really are so pretty.
I also finished (with help from Mummie) the Jo Sharp Keyhole Vest. No pictures yet. Sorry. It's really pretty, too. My Mummie picked up the stitches around the arms and neck for me. She loves to do it, and I HATE to do it, so there you go.
Please keep your fingers crossed (and everything else) that I heal quickly, 'cause I'm already dying of boredom and un-finished objects (UFO's). Especially since I can't sew, either. Woe is me.
One last pic. Bubba in her igloo that she and Daddy built.
What on this white planet am I going to do with myself?
Oh, did I mention it's raining, sleet and freezing rain today? Ugh. Bubba lou is bouncing off the walls.
Time to go subdue the natives.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Busy As A Bee
One of the ladies I work with is having a girl, the other is having a boy. Hence the Valentine's color scheme...I just couldn't do blue in February!
I also visted my local yarn store...they sent out a "Superbowl Weekend Sale" email. 40% off ALL LOBSTER POT YARNS!! INCLUDING CASHMERE! For those of you who don't knit, or buy yarn, Lobster Pot is a small, small company in Cape Cod that produces beautiful yarns that are hand-dyed in actual lobster pots. The colors have wonderful New England names like "boiled lobster," "drawn butter," "hydrangea," "cape cod sky." I could go on and on. Anyway, I hit the store at 10 sharp and snagged all the boiled lobster and salt rose cashmere I could afford. Two skeins of each! And one each for Mummie, as well as some seagrass. This yarn is soooo soft, I keep rubbing it on my cheeks. I think the pink is going to become a hat, the red? Any suggestions?
I've also been baking. BubbaLou likes to help. Lick the bowl, that is. Chocolate chip cookies.
Speaking of cookies, one last goodie before I go. Sy got this enormous vase for me just before the holidays. It stands about 2 feet tall and about a foot or 14 inches across. I'd been looking for one that wasn't $250, and my bargain hunter found me one. Too late to fill it with pumpkins, I chose to use all my cookie cutters instead. I collect them, but only the all metal ones. I've got snowflakes, martini glasses, flamingos, camels, almost every animal imaginable, a high-heel shoe, a hand, as well as the classics...heart, bell, tree, snowman, star..anything goes, I love them all. These are one of my favorite things in the "whole wide world," as BubbaLou puts it. They are ultimately destined for a special wall in my kitchen, but until then I just love them in the jar on my table.
If we ever get the walls painted, you'll get to see them in all their glory. I'm actually framing them all , like a giant picture. Who says cookies aren't art? And yes, I do use them. Frequently. Bubba Lou thinks its great fun when I have to dump out the entire vase to get one on the bottom!