Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Let's try this again!

It's been about 2 years since I posted anything here.  Let's just say I've been busy.

Working, looking for work, vacationing, knitting, sewing, crafting, raising a kid, dealing with hounds, fixing that which is broken (myself is the last on that list).

I'm just as busy now, but trying to focus a little more, simplify a lot, and feel a little less scattered.  Why not start here?  I've been doing more craft fairs and have tentatively opened an Etsy store, .  I think I've got 5 items in it now.  I'm determined to get it updated and filled after the next big craft fair, which happens 2 days before BubbaLou's first day at her new school.  I'm taking baby steps in focusing and simplifying and organizing.