I decided to start blogging to share things that interest me with other people. The love of my life can only listen to so much chatter about yarn and patterns before he melts down. My little Bubba Lou thinks everything I knit is for her. Sorry Bubba, I knit for me, too.
Currently I'm knitting in Sunapee, NH in an old farm house that we're slowly remodeling. Now, when I say slowly, I mean ssslllloooowwwllllyyy...like a slug or a 2-legged turtle. On the bright side, I'm not paying for any labor costs (unless you count housework and cookies.)
I've been knitting for several years, but really got into it after my daughter was born. She would only sleep partially upright on my chest, and so I didn't die of boredom, I knit around her. When she got a little older, she would sit in my lap and stare, transfixed, at the colorful yarn moving around. Then she got a little older and had to be taught that pulling the needle out of live stitches was not a good way to get attention. Now she has a great appreciation for expensive yarn and knit goods..."What you knitting for me, momma? I need new hats."
Well, enough outta me for the moment. I'll try and post some images of WIP as soon as I can find the camera in the stash....
1 comment:
Ah!! She is gonna have a fettish for shoes and hats! The accessories! Must have the accessories! :) Lov ethe bright colors, I think my face would light up too!
:) Abbie
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